Workplace money saving smart card can be read an infinite number of times
A leader of a council said it had to deal with the financial cards given for the 2012/13 period. Derby City Council’s (DCC) Philip Hickson said: “We are left with no alternative due to the continuing impact of reduced funding.” DCC could lose 500 jobs in order to save £20 million. Because of this, earlier this year 465 workers took voluntary redundancy at the council, run by a Liberal Democrat/Conservative coalition and currently fielding a workforce of more than 9,500.
Smart card time and attendance clocking from Time and Attendance UK cuts waste and increases efficiency at work. Each smart card reader transmits a 125 KHz frequency field (the electromagnetic field), which is picked up by an aerial in the contactless smart card. The reader has two read bands within this field; an inner and outer band, and these are controlled and rapidly oscillated by the readers on-board microprocessor. The smart card has no battery, thus an infinite life, and can be read an infinite number of times.