View and print attendance recording reports via an internet browser

Unison spokeswoman Christine Bolton council employees lose moneyA proposal that would see council employees lose money if they are sick has been criticised. The union Unison said the proposal "penalised" the majority of staff. "If you have a number of staff taking ‘sickies’ then you deal with those individual members of staff,” Unison spokeswoman Christine Bolton told BBC News. "But the majority of people here have a very, very good sickness record." She said "attacks" on public sector workers had come from central government, but the cuts proposed by Teignbridge District Council were "a little bit more personal".

Time and Attendance UK supply a complete Smart Card Time and Attendance System with software including all the features to manage time and attendance recording for your firm’s staff. The large fluorescent display of the T32xx Clocking Station makes it easy to confirm your clockings. A range of output styles lets you export to web-pages, spreadsheets or as simple text files. Web Page output provides professional reports that can be easily viewed and printed from any system (PC, Mac, Linux etc) with an internet browser.