Time and attendance software reports show jobs that are over budget
Hundreds of thousands of jobs may be at risk as councils will learn how much the funding they receive from central government will be cut over the next two years. Ministers will also reveal their plans to give local community groups greater control of some services from councils. Coalition Government member Eric Pickles disputed that job losses would run into six figures, and added: "I believe it is possible to cut significant sums out of local authorities by simply improving the way local authorities operate."
A Time and Attendance UK clocking system improves efficiency at work. Via the swift and easy use of a smart card or key fob, employees book time against their production or department jobs to produce a fully costed analysis and break down of time spent on each one. Using the time and attendance WinTA software, reports show jobs that are over budget or those approaching their budget limit. This information can also be exported to spreadsheets. Contact us for more details on how the system can help you.