Time and attendance network predicts the most appropriate shift for an employee
The investments which a UK firm built from scratch in 2006 will be sold to a US-based banking giant for a sum in the region of tens of millions of pounds. Scottish Friendly is selling an administration business, which includes Aviva as key clients, for ‘wrap’ investments. Chief executive of the member-owned Scottish Friendly, Fiona McBain, said a deal-breaker was that new owners Citi had to take on all of the employees in the business being sold and to keep the Glasgow base.
Time and Attendance UK offers a multinational, multi-site clocking and personnel network. WinTAnet will predict the most appropriate shift depending on when an employee starts work. Employee or department analysis is simple with WinTAnet, which uses a context sensitive search facility to pin point exactly what you need to find. Searches can be by part of a code or name, and results limited by both standard and customised filters. The Screen Designer feature allows advanced users to create their own custom database tables.