Smart cards up to 15 times faster than equivalent swipe cards
All of the nine Regional Development Agencies will be closed down as part of the government’s deficit-busting cuts, and already interested parties are working on ways to fill the gap that will be left by the organisations. Plans to shut down England’s nine RDAs, set up by the Labour government to drive forward economic growth, and replace them with Local Enterprise Partnerships were detailed in the last budget. Figures revealed that for the North West, their RDA generated £5.20 for every £1 spent in the region.
Perhaps your company or organisation is undergoing structural change. Products from Time and Attendance UK, who are leading providers of smart card and biometric systems and software guaranteed to meet your time and attendance requirements, will drive up efficiency on your staff overheads. Our smart card technology allows your employees to quickly clock in and out, with the time and attendance software accurately recording attendances. Our cards are up to 15 times faster than equivalent swipe card technology and our systems are fully compatible with all working hours regulations.