Smart card scanned automatically in under quarter of a second
Jim Malone from the Fire Brigade Union described proposals to integrate two branches of the emergency services as "premature" and said the ideas could undermine current discussions with ministers. Tayside Police and Tayside Fire and Rescue Service said plans to share control rooms and fleet maintenance would be discussed this week (commencing Monday, November 15). Senior police and fire officers said the proposals would save money and improve the service.
Time and Attendance UK can provide you with a complete smart card time and attendance clocking system including 50 smart cards for just £1495 plus VAT. Complete with comprehensive working rules, wages and hours calculation software, this system is simple to use and provides a highly secure way of monitoring your employees’ time and attendance clocking data. Contactless smart cards or key fobs are used to operate the system, which use well-proven and reliable RF (Radio Frequency) reading technology. This gives a consistent read range, which is unaffected by most external conditions. Your smart card is scanned automatically in under 1/4 second.