Secondary Pay Bands is one feature of complete attendance recording regime

early retirementA police report has said a regional force may have to consider using compulsory redundancies for the first time since 1996 in order to meet reduced expenditure targets. Deputy Chief Constable Iain Macleod said there were positive responses from invitations to Central Scotland staff to consider an offer of voluntary redundancy or early retirement. He added: “However, the numbers who have expressed an interest in the offer are insufficient to meet the extent of projected budget reductions, making limited compulsory redundancies almost inevitable if the board is to reduce expenditure by even the lowest percentage indicated."

The time and attendance software for all Time and Attendance UK systems has a familiar WindowsTM interface, providing quick and easy access to information and enabling a more efficient workforce. You can create a wide range of daily shifts or working patterns, with either fixed or flexi-time rules. This is very convenient for organisations like the police which have many different shift and overtime regimes. Certain pay bands pay into other bands either on a 1:1 basis or by using a multiplier through the Secondary Pay Bands additional feature.