Proximity read smart cards will never wear out to save your firm money
A union has accused council leaders of beginning a smear campaign following a bid to save local government jobs. Mike Tucker, Southampton’s Unison branch secretary, said he was “shocked” by a flyer, which has been printed ahead of local elections in May. The pamphlet, delivered to thousands of Southampton homes, said union officials conducted a campaign of intimidation to get workers voting against proposals to slash pay and jobs as a means of tackling a black hole in council finances.
Time and Attendance UK can reduce paperwork and increase productivity at your firm via our quick and efficient time and attendance clocking systems. Tensor smart cards and key fobs can be used to operate it. The proximity read method of the cards and fobs means that they will never wear out, thus saving money, and dust and residue picked up from the working environment presents no risk of clogging the reader. Its modular design means it can link to the Tensor Access Lite and Tensor Personnel Lite networks.