Office attendance software includes EEC Working Time Directive checking programs
One member of staff at a troubled store chain told of her experience at being made redundant. Catrin Jones, head of merchandising at Peacocks, told the BBC: “The administrators called us all into a room … and we were told that we were the ones that are losing the jobs today. The rest are staying on – they are skeleton staff basically staying just to ensure the company ticks over.” The Peacocks business operates about 611 stores across the UK.
A complete Smart Card Time and Attendance System comprising of a T8440 Clocking Station, 50 Smart Cards and Software including EEC Working Time Directive checking programs for under £2,000 is available for businesses from Time & Attendance UK. There are two type of clocking stations, the new smaller T32xx or the proven T25XX range which is ideal for factories or offices. As there is no physical contact between the card and reader, neither will become worn-out by continuous use – unlike swipe readers.