Monitor absenteeism and lateness reporting with Time and Attendance system

Regional secretary of the Unite union Regional secretary of the Unite union Davey Hall commented that it may be of benefit to pool resources, regarding proposals that Sunderland and South Tyne councils could share services. He further said: “If there is any council in the whole of the region that can explore the possibility of mitigating job losses then this would be of distinct advantage to the people that work for the respective councils.” Council officers confirmed they are investigating ways the two authorities can share services to make the most of limited resources.

For making maximum use of the resources your organisation possesses, Time and Attendance UK can provide you with a complete smart card time and attendance clocking system including 50 smart cards for under £1,500+VAT. Contactless smart cards or key fobs are used to operate the simple system, utilising well-proven and reliable RF (Radio Frequency) reading technology. The software monitors: Time and Attendance absenteeism and lateness reporting; Working Time Regulations; as well as being able to calculate all manner of wage and working hours scales.