Labour hours analysis supports reporting file formats such as Adobe Reader PDF

job losses Minister for Disabled People Remploy WinTA Lite Time and Attendance UK Windows™ based time and attendance products labour hours analysis budget limit spreadsheets Excel XLS Adobe Reader PDFA firm which works with disabled people is facing wholesale job losses. Minister for Disabled People Maria Miller said 36 out of 54 Remploy sites around the nation could be shut by the end of the year as they were not financially viable. The closure plans are putting more than 1,700 posts at risk in the UK. Workers are engaged in enterprises that range from packaging manufacturing to recycling electrical appliances and operating CCTV systems.

WinTA Lite is the latest in Time and Attendance UK’s proven range of Windows™ based time and attendance products, which includes extensive labour hours analysis. WinTA reports show jobs that are over budget or those approaching their budget limit. This information can also be exported to spreadsheets. Reports can be generated on demand or scheduled for automatic printing. Either way, these can be distributed via email, published to a website or saved in a variety of file formats including Excel XLS and Adobe Reader PDF.