It pays to use Time and Attendance clocking technology

BT pay dealAgreeing a pay deal with the Communication Workers Union means British Telecom has prevented possible strike action. On Monday, the union had to call off a ballot that could have brought more than half of BT’s staff out on strike following legal advice. It described the agreement as a “fantastic deal” for its members. Both sides have agreed on a landmark 39-month deal, where BT staff will receive pensionable pay rises worth 3% each financial year until March 2013, with the rise being backdated to January 2010. It will provide BT with wage stability for several years, the company said.

Maintaining good management-union relations will prevent hours being lost on strikes and negotiations, thus boosting profits. Minimising waste and increasing efficiency is what Time and Attendance UK smart card and biometric access control systems are about. Our smart card technology allows your employees to quickly clock in and out, with the time and attendance software accurately recording attendances. The inbuilt report generator is simple to use, and hosts a range of output styles to suit your company’s requirements.