Gas Price Crisis: How Time & Attendance Plays a Part in Reducing Energy Bills

The rise in energy costs along with recent Government statistics have warned that some businesses could have no choice but to close in the near future. The price increase is also having a rising effect on the heating and energy bills for millions of households up and down the country. It is expected that these rises are not over yet, with a further inflation of prices set to come about in 2022.
Over the past year, there has been a global shortage on gas and energy supplies. In 2020, Europe as a whole had an exceptionally cold winter which had led to a pressure on supplies and, as a result, stored gas levels are much lower than normal for the foreseeable future. Since January 2021, gas prices have risen 250% and have soared 70% from August alone.
A drastic rise in bills is staring many business owners in the face as a result, which could have two considerable knock-on effects. The first of these being companies being forced to reduce or pause production, or even cease trading, which could cause unemployment. The second major knock-on effect is being likely to pass these higher energy bills on to customers as higher prices – in other words, an increase in inflation and more expensive monthly outgoings for business owners across the UK.
How time and attendance systems can reduce heating and energy bills
In the midst of a global gas price crisis, it is vitally important that businesses and business owners are given the opportunity to save money where they can. This has been made completely possible with a building energy management system (BEMS) that integrates a time and attendance system. This is the most effective solution to combating the global gas price crisis, and here’s why:
BEMS with integrated time and attendance system
A building energy management system is the most effective method of reducing heating and energy bills for businesses and business owners. With a proven saving percentage of between 20-to-30%+, HeatingSave’s BEMS has the ability to better run any building, more efficiently, by cutting costs while also improving security throughout the global gas price crisis.
In terms of time and attendance, HeatingSave’s BEMS includes an advanced room booking system that allows businesses to automatically book customers or clients on site, into meetings or into specific areas within your building. For example, if a meeting was taking place in a specific room at 10am, and then again at 2pm, the room booking system communicates with the heating system to ensure the room is up to temperature for when each meeting takes place, and lowers the temperature or turns it off while the room is unoccupied. This has a huge effect on a company’s heating and energy bills, creating reductions of up to 30%.
For safety and security purposes, HeatingSave’s room booking system provides users with a wall planner that generates all availability of rooms, invoices and cancellations; particularly useful for village halls and other similar organisations that rent out rooms or areas of the building. The room booking system also allows users to be notified when a room is accessed and which registered smart card is accessing it.
If you feel that your business would benefit from a building energy management system with an all-encompassing room booking system for time and attendance purposes, then please get in touch with a member of our sales team today for more information and start making savings on your heating and energy bills now.