Employees are automatically clocked out at a certain time via personnel software

UK total number of unemployed personnel and time and attendance softwareOver the UK, the total number of unemployed people fell by 17,000 to 2.48 million according to the latest figures and the rate for the three months to February was 7.8%, down 0.1% on the quarter. The number of people unemployed for more than 12 months increased by 11,000 to reach 847,000. Wales was the only UK nation to see a rise in jobless. Its unemployment rate of 8.6% for the period works out higher than in England (7.8%).

The personnel and time and attendance software for all Time and Attendance UK systems is ideal for analysis and planning of your workforce. It has a familiar Windows interface, providing quick and easy access to information. You can create a wide range of daily working patterns (shifts), with either fixed or flexitime rules. These can run past midnight, making night shifts simple to define. The additional features include Auto Clockout where employees are automatically clocked out at a certain time; and Shift Swapping where shifts for a particular day can be changed in advance.