Each employee allocated different annual leave entitlements using time keeping technology

coastguard two-hour strikes walk outs business Keeping track of hours worked by staff Time and Attendance UK productivity viewing individual's department's absence records different entitlements annual leave allowed sicknessThe government says its changes to coastguard provision will modernise the service but unions are unhappy. It means coastguard officials will stage a series of two-hour strikes as they say jobs will be hit. Staff at the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) are planning a week of walk outs later in the month. The Public and Commercial Services union said the planned closure of eight of the UK’s 18 coastguard stations would mean “the loss of life-saving local knowledge”.

Running your business can be a complex operation. Keeping track of absences or hours worked by your staff, as your most valuable resource, through systems installed by Time and Attendance UK can help by removing errors in time keeping, ensuring safety and providing optimal working conditions to maximise productivity. Graphical calendar charts provide a colourful way of viewing an individual’s or a department’s absence records. Each employee can be allocated different entitlements for absence such as annual leave or allowed sickness.