Contactless smart cards can deliver workplace efficiency savings
Government departments have been tasked to make big budget cuts – however, a parliamentary committee has cast doubts over whether Whitehall can deliver these efficiency savings. In a new report, the committee said: "The inability of departments to improve value for money in a time of increasing budgets casts doubts on government’s ability to reduce costs now while minimising the impact on front-line services." The committee raised particular concern over the Treasury’s hands-off role in the delivery of efficiency savings.
Time and Attendance UK’s time & attendance clocking systems are fully compatible with all working hours regulations and provide an easy and cost-effective solution to your clocking issues. Greater efficiency and productivity is enabled through our contactless smart cards or key fobs. With the simple use of a card, employees book time against their jobs to produce a fully costed analysis and break down of time spent on each one. Reports show jobs that are over budget or those approaching their budget limit. This information can also be exported to spreadsheets.