Clocking recording system shows jobs that are over budget

street lights turned off save money Time and Attendance UK smart card clocking recording and monitoring systems PayrollA town centre would have more than 1,500 street lights turned off at night time in order to save money. County officials envisage the move would save Market Harborough £23,000 per year. The proposals would see lights in the town switched off from midnight to 5.30am, and during the summer going off at 1am and back on again at 6.30am. County Hall has been dimming or switching off lights with the aim of saving a total of £700,000 a year by 2014.

Your business can adopt Time and Attendance UK smart card clocking recording and monitoring systems which save you both money and time. The time and attendance software for all Time and Attendance UK systems has a familiar Windows interface, providing quick and easy access to information. Software reports in our WinTA networks show jobs that are over budget or those approaching their budget limit. Standard reports include: Weekly Clock Card, Payroll Summary, Absence Summary, Exceptions, Job Booking and Working Time Directive Compliance.