Clocking and job booking station has illuminated keypad for ease of use
The government denied its funding allocations were unfair after the news that Liverpool City Council will axe around 1,500 jobs due to cuts. “If councils share back-office services, join forces to procure, cut out the non-jobs and root out the over-spends, then they can protect frontline services,” said a spokesman at the Department for Communities and Local Government. It added that, per head, Liverpool was receiving over six times more grant than a prosperous area such as Wokingham in Berkshire.
Time & Attendance UK smart card based clocking products are designed to get the most out of your workforce. The Tensor T32xx time and security station is an all-in-one smart card Time & Attendance recording and security Access Control workstation. It incorporates Job Booking, Job Costing, Labour Hours Analysis and much more. The user friendly, multilingual GUI (Graphical User Interface) makes using the T32xx simple and effortless for the whole range of people likely to use it. Multilingual in nature, the station has an illuminated keypad for ease of text input and use.