Business payroll system creates overtime and bonus payments

British Medical Association, new pay bonus system for doctorsDr Laurence Buckman, of the British Medical Association, suggested it was too early to fully judge the merits of a new pay bonus system for doctors. He said: "Other studies have shown that it has improved care and treatment for people with diabetes and reduced the number of heart attacks and deaths, particularly in deprived areas.” He added that more true figures and gains will be apparent in the long-term as more evidence becomes available. Family doctors are paid bonuses for hitting certain performance targets.

The time and attendance software for all Time and Attendance UK smart card clocking systems enables your payroll to create overtime and other pay bands, which are based on the time and the number of hours worked. You can ask the WinTA software to insert breaks if an employee does not clock them. The system is also able to set up bonus payments and other special features. The built in report generator makes it simple to get the information you need from the system.