Attendance recording software checks jobs that are over budget

TUC annual gatheringUnion members at the TUC’s annual gathering have backed joint industrial action if "attacks" on jobs, pensions and public services go ahead. Union delegates backed a motion which included calls to build "a broad solidarity alliance of unions and communities under threat". The opening of the TUC’s 142nd congress, the first under a non-Labour government since 1996, comes amid concern among unions about the coalition’s programme to reduce the £155 billion deficit. It could lead to strikes if the cuts are not scaled back.

Time and Attendance UK smart card attendance recording helps both workers and employers through increasing efficiency and improving morale. The software can be set to automatically print out any of the user defined or standard reports on a daily, weekly or even a monthly basis. This is accomplished by using the Timed Report File update program. Initially, a report is printed to the PC screen so that it can be pre-viewed before actual printing. This gives the user a chance to check the report and, if necessary, re-print it. Jobs that are over budget can be checked.