Access graphical calendar charts viewing individual or department absence records

strike National Union of Teachers Work patterns staff attendance collated analysed clocking technology Time and Attendance UK shift employee starts work viewing an individual's or a department's absence recordsTeachers went on a one-day strike today (Wednesday) in protest at cuts to teachers’ and lecturers’ pensions. Unions such as the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and University and College Union were involved, although ministers say more schools are open than during last November’s strike. “Teachers cannot be expected to do anything other than defend the right to a pension which they have paid into in good faith,” was the comment from Christine Blower, the NUT general secretary.

Work patterns and staff attendance are easily collated and analysed by top of the range clocking technology from Time and Attendance UK. Our WinTA networks will predict the most appropriate shift depending on when an employee starts work. Each type of pattern can be set up to override the normal pattern and use a specific shift on public holidays. Graphical calendar charts provide a colourful way of viewing an individual’s or a department’s absence records. Each employee can be allocated different entitlements for absence such as allowed sickness.