Time and Attendance monitoring systems help reduce pupils’ truancy from schools
More children than ever are missing school. But there is a way of helping combat truancy by installing effective Time and Attendance systems, which does the job of monitoring pupils, in our schools. Smart Card and Biometric Time and Attendance and Security Systems are fast, accurate and easy-to-use – which is very important as hundreds of schoolchildren can be passing through the school gates at any one time. The systems are also suitable for all sizes of school.
The large colour display on Tensor’s T32xx clocking station makes it simple and easy for pupils to confirm their clocking in and out of school.
Another good feature is that the system is very adaptable. Hardware links can connect to a fire alarm panel to produce an automatic Fire Roll Call report. This adaptability has already led to schools (for example, Holywell Middle School, which is near Cranfield in Bedfordshire) favouring products like these around the country.