Absence is cause for 50% of probation period failures, second to poor performance

Absence is one of the most common reasons for employees failing a probation period, accounting for half (50%) of all failures, second only to poor performance (62%), a recent survey has revealed.

Research from Spring Personnel has also revealed that close to 18% of workers have had their probation period extended or they failed it altogether, while only one in five businesses (21%) never extend a candidate’s probation period.

Probation periods are very stressful for employees, with almost half of people who participated in the survey feeling insecure (49%) during a probation and four in ten (38%) feeling worried.

Additionally, the research has also suggested the one in five (22%) put more effort into a job during a probation than we would once the job is secured.

Time & Attendance UK has an extensive experience in implementing extensive time and attendance systems, capable of delivering very accurate information regarding the employees’ attendance and absences.

We offer a complete smart card time and attendance system that includes European Working Time Directive checking and reporting, Access Control, Fire Roll Call, and also makes good use of mobile and wireless technology so that your time and attendance information can be accessed from anywhere.

Moreover, our specific position within this market segment, as well as proven experience in the field enables us to thoroughly customize our systems in order to meet all of your requirements, whether you’re an enterprise customer with multiple sites or a smaller business.

Smart card technology allows your employees to quickly clock in and out, with the time and attendance software accurately recording attendances.

Furthermore, our all-in-one, Smart Card Time & Attendance recording workstation incorporates such features as job booking, job costing, labour hours analysis and security management.

If you want to find out more about the range of affordable, reliable solutions provided by Time & Attendance UK, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer any question you might have.