Aid organisational recruitment with personnel software using fully customisable reports

Locog Olympics recruitment World War Two volunteers full-time staff recruit train Games Makers contracted Time and Attendance UK human resources Personnel HTML CSV intranetLocog, who organised the 2012 Olympics, worked on the biggest peacetime recruitment process since World War Two. Four years ago the group was already working gathering together a crack team – volunteers and full-time staff – to help recruit and train fellow Games Makers at the Locog office. The 2012 Games involved 6,000 direct staff, 70,000 volunteer Games Makers (who put in eight million volunteer hours during the event plus 1.2 million hours in training) and 100,000 contracted security staff.

Time and Attendance UK can aid your organisation in its recruitment and human resources areas with our Personnel system. This is the culmination of years of real world experience in the HR and time and attendance sectors. Screen layouts within the personnel software can be added and modified to reflect the different tasks and procedures that your company carries out. Fully customisable reports can be exported to a variety of formats including HTML and CSV, ideal for either printing or displaying within your company’s intranet.