User-definable pay scales swiftly set up for the office
A local authority now intends to extend a pay freeze until 2014 to keep a grip on spending. Suspending the annual increment for a third year could save £5 million, according to the Labour-run Sheffield City Council. The authority said it had saved £8m since 2010 through the freeze and other employee measures – for example voluntary reduction in hours, buying additional leave and career breaks. Trade union Unison said staff already faced financial woes due to the existing pay stoppage.
User-definable pay scales or bands and working patterns are a reality at the office with a Time and Attendance UK clocking recording network. Annualised hours, night shifts and flexi patterns are just some of the advanced features that allow customisation of hours and wages towards how your organisation does business. Smart Card and biometric validation of an employee’s identification plus support for iClass or MiFare cards are other benefits to the system. Extensive EU Working Time Directive checking and reporting is included.