Shortfalls to the expected manning levels at work can trigger SMS alerts

GMB union unproductive workers Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development Time & Attendance UK staff at work Absenteeism and lateness monitoring and reporting SMS alerts rostering and manpower schedulingPaul Kenny, general secretary of the GMB union, condemned a report written by a Conservative Party donor which urged that unproductive workers should lose their right to claim unfair dismissal. Mr Kenny commented the report showed the true face of the “nasty” Tory Party. John Philpott, chief economist at the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development, did not endorse the report. He added: “I think if you look at our productivity problem, it’s down to poor investment, poor training and poor management.”

Time & Attendance UK ensures your firm exactly knows who among your staff should be at work. Absenteeism and lateness monitoring and reporting are some of the specialities of our time and attendance networks. Manning levels in the WinTA system are based upon employee skills required during the working week. Any shortfalls to the expected requirement, due to absenteeism for example, can trigger a system email or SMS alerts. A separate module is available for rostering and manpower scheduling.