Time and attendance software holds details for up to 2000 employees

Tech City East London Prime Minister Old Street Time and Attendance UK business expanding Windows™ based products all sizes of company WinTA software Payroll Summary Absence SummaryThe Tech City map shows tweets from more than 600 tech firms and other related businesses in the area of East London. The Prime Minister met with staff at the internet company Stylist Pick as part of his visit to unveil an interactive map of this technology cluster. The map shows the rapid expansion of Old Street’s ‘silicon roundabout’, as there were just 200 tech firms based there last year. The government said the visit was to recognise the district’s success.

Time and Attendance UK can help your business if it is expanding and wishing to take on more staff. Our Time and Attendance proven range of Windows™ based products are for all sizes of company. The WinTA software provides quick and easy access to information. WinTA can hold details for up to 2000 employees, including a photograph of each person, if required. Standard reports include: Weekly Clock Card, Payroll Summary, Absence Summary, Exceptions, Job Booking and Working Time Directive Compliance.