Clocking system creates wide range of fixed or flexitime shifts
Train managers said no jobs would be lost after a union revealed details of a review which recommends closing hundreds of ticket offices across England and Wales. The Transport Salaried Staffs Association union said the list was drawn up by Sir Roy McNulty in his account of how to achieve across the board savings. Some 675 stations around the industry and 1,000 jobs could be affected, say the union. However Arriva Trains Wales say it had no plans for closures.
Time and Attendance UK can provide your organisation with a complete smart card time and attendance clocking system including 50 smart cards for under £1500 plus VAT. Complete with EU Working Time Directive software and 10 days of free helpdesk support, this system makes it simple for company staff to confirm their clockings, check flexi-time hours or make job booking transactions. Beginning with the WinTA Lite system, you can create a wide range of daily working patterns (shifts), with either fixed or flexitime rules.