Work attendance technology reports show instances when rest day rules have been broken

reduce its front desk hours Thames Valley Police Time and Attendance money-saving smart card clocking technology rest day rules night workers A police force explained it needs to save money which is why it is considering proposals to reduce its front desk hours. Under the plans discussed at Thames Valley Police no front desks will close completely but the force admits redundancies remain a possibility. A public consultation period ends on September 30, and a statement from the force said: "We’re actually historically very good at managing those sort of changes and we make as few redundancies as we possibly can.”

Time and Attendance UK can help produce efficiency savings with its time and money-saving smart card clocking technology. Standard reports show the average number of hours worked during any period; plus instances when rest day rules have been broken and when night workers are due a health assessment. Your clocking badge can be read through any non-metallic items, so there is no need to remove it from your wallet or purse. Residue picked up from the working environment presents no risk of clogging the reader.