Individual and group software absence planners help to better manage employee attendance
Jon Andrews, partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, said the cost to UK business of workers taking sick leave was up to £32 billion per year. The company asked more than one thousand people, of whom 34 per cent admitted having taken time off under false pretences. Experts have suggested introducing more flexible working arrangements and making employees feel that they are not taken for granted so that they are not tempted to take unwarranted time off.
It is possible to take more control of employee attendance management with time and attendance software from Time and Attendance UK. Our systems have built-in individual and group Absence Planners as part of their features, as well as comprehensive user-definable working patterns and rosters. Using their contactless smart cards employees can clock ‘IN’ or ‘OUT’ for time & attendance. Contact us today to find out how our Time and Attendance UK systems can enable your business to run more effectively, providing greater productivity and a reduction in manual overheads.