Time and attendance system alerts when normal working pattern has not been followed

hospital redundancy blunder A hospital trust had to play down reports of mass redundancies after a member of staff gave wrong information to the workforce. The workers in Greater Manchester panicked when a junior manager wrongly told them that at least a quarter of them would be made redundant. The NHS Trust apologised to 240 staff, and added that management hoped to avoid compulsory redundancies. A trust statement said: "There is no truth in the statement that staff will have to reapply for their own jobs on an annual basis."

Using Time and Attendance UK systems, your organisation can make the proper management decisions based on what the software reports tell you. Designing your own reports is easy – using a "drag & drop" interface, reports are quickly defined. With the software you can view all time and attendance information for an employee or a single department, or perform a surname search at the touch of a button. An Exception view quickly identifies areas where the normal working pattern has not been followed.