WinTA Net accommodates special contracts of public sector employees

ban smoke breaks Breckland Significant numbers of workers’ rights to paid smoking breaks are under threat by Conservative-run Breckland council, which stated: "We are not trying to stop smoking… what we are saying is when people go for a cigarette they should do it in their own time." In neighbouring North Norfolk, staff are not allowed to smoke on site during office hours. The campaigning group Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco objected to these plans, saying if workers go out too often for ‘fag breaks’ that is a failure of management.

A Time and Attendance UK clocking system is ideal for local authorities or other large organisations. Hours worked by an employee, shift or department can be instantly checked with the WinTA Net software. It contains special rules to accommodate the formal flexi-time contracts worked by many public sector employees. Graphical calendar charts provide a colourful way of viewing an individual’s or a department’s absence records. Each employee can be allocated different entitlements for absence such as annual leave or allowed sickness.