Our self-service clocking module, which has grown steadily in popularity since the rise of remote working due to the pandemic, has recently been updated. It now has even more features and functions, and several fixes have been implemented.
Home Page: This has undergone restyling. The Tasks and Requests section have been moved to a different page, and the home page has readily-available widgets for key functions. This widgets can be easily dragged and dropped to customise the order in which they appear, or else via the My Account settings.
Door status: The Show Details dialogue on the Door Status report page allows users to remotely trigger actions for any listed door. These include locking/unlocking, releasing, and resetting doors after evacuations.
Visitor monitoring: When using the visitor monitoring features of the SSM, users can now check-in visitors via either the My Appointment, Appointments at My Site or Current Appointments pages.
User management: Administrators can now create new user accounts directly from the User Management page.
Absence planner: Absences over multiple days are now saved differently in the system. AM multi-day requests now save as multiple full day absences apart from the LAST day of the request period. PM multi-day requests now save as multiple full day absences apart from the FIRST day of the request period.
Shift Assignment: A new setting has been added to show ‘Target’, ‘Worked to date’ and ‘Balance remaining’ for employees using the annualised hours method of payment.
Shift Swaps: Two new settings can now be found on the settings page: ‘Automatically deny requests within X days’ and ‘Disallow requests under X days from now’. This can make approving or denying holiday simpler in businesses or industries where certain times are not available to employees – for example, taking into account a fortnight factory shutdown, or term-time in the education sector.
Authoriser Responses: Users entitled to authorise holidays (the ‘authoriser’) can now respond qualitatively to holiday requests, rather than binary approve/disapprove, by typing a short message to the employee who requested the holiday time. This can be viewed by the ‘requestor’ on their own SSM.
Financial details: Updating bank account details are now easier, with an option to create an entry for a bank if the user’s bank/branch is not already on the system.
Making requests: Users who have not yet been assigned someone to authorise their absence requests cannot submit requests.
Role management: Clicking on the Users column on the role’s summary list page now displays a pop up showing all the users assigned to the selected role.
Travelling abroad: The existing Travelling Abroad functionality, recently created to assist businesses in addressing workplace management during the pandemic, has been enhanced. Requests for absence abroad are now highlighted on the authoriser’s tasks.
Leaver accounts: Ex-employees’ SSM accounts can now be easily removed. There is no longer any inappropriate removal of people who are still serving their notice period or whose leaving dates are otherwise still in the future.
Delegation: This function now only lasts for one stage of delegation – previously, users who had received delegated authority could in turn delegate it to someone else. This cannot happen now.
Absence planner: A new Absence Code Display Characters setting has been added to User Options > Environmental > Screen Defaults / Behaviour > Absence Planner. The user may configure the planner to show two (the default) or three characters.
- Microsoft’s Internet Information Services, version 7.0, 7.5, 8 or 10.0.
- Microsoft’s .NET Framework 4.7.1.
- Any Internet Browser, certified browsers are: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox.
- A PC screen set to a resolution of at least 1024 x 768.
- Version of the Tensor SSM web service.
- Any edition of version of Tensor.NET registered with a combination of WinTA, WinAC, WinHR or WinMCVS serial numbers.