Collecting contact details?

We will ask businesses to help NHS Test and Trace respond to any local outbreaks by collecting contact details from customers, as happens in other countries, and we will work with the sector to make this manageable.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson

If you are a restaurant owner, pub owner, or owner of another type of business who have been told they can reopen under the relaxed COVID19 guidelines, you may be looking at this announcement from the Prime Minister with some alarm.

Perhaps you have heard of the recent New Zealand case where a Subway employee was able to use a customer’s submitted details (name, home address, email address and phone number) to find her social media accounts and try to connect with her.

This sort of insecure, easily accessible information is exactly what you don’t want to happen, both from a moral point of view and to stay on the right side of the ICO.

We have nearly 30 years of experience innovating site access technology. Our visitor management system ensures that the contact details of all visitors are recorded using checking-in forms, in response to a pre-booked appointment. (You can also allow visitors to create ad-hoc appointments if you need to.)

You create the questions on the check-in forms, which ensures that a customer will only give you exactly the information that you asked for.

The entered information is only viewable to those who have administrative permission, so it isn’t left lying around like a paper-based system, easy to lose and easy to steal.

Customers enter their information via a registered tablet. This means that staff members can stay safely 1+m away and don’t need to talk to the customer for this part of their visit. The tablet is touchscreen, so hand-washing or sanitiser facilities usage before and after using the touchscreen is necessary.

If you are interested in a secure digital visitor management system, then please get in touch today. We would be delighted to help you re-open with confidence.

There is a wide range of ways in which our products and services can help to decrease the risk of COVID19 infection within your premises, from shift management to remote clocking and a socially distanced evacuation procedure.