WinTA Enterprise operates T32xx or T256x clocking stations

injured officersIn order to drive down costs senior policemen are proposing to get rid of thousands of injured officers. The Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) have drafted a scheme that sees severance packages being offered to around 15,000 officers whose injuries mean they are no longer able to work on the front line. Under present rules police officers cannot be made redundant, but Acpo is urging the Government to change that.

Trimming staff is a common occurrence in the current economic climate, but Time and Attendance UK has a proven range of Windows™ based time and attendance products to result in greater productivity and money saved at your workplace – from simple collection of employees’ clocking data, through to job costing and extensive labour hours analysis. WinTA Enterprise, the flagship software system, operates both the T32xx and T256x clocking stations and can record employee details for an unlimited number of people. This edition can also link to your Tensor Access Enterprise access control application, where it is able to share employee data. Slim smart cards and key fobs can be used to operate your WinTA Enterprise system.